Sunday, January 19, 2025
HomeGardening & LandscapingMinimalist Backyard Garden For A Tiny Outdoor Space

Minimalist Backyard Garden For A Tiny Outdoor Space – The minimalist garden probably sounds so flat and boring to some. But we can not deny that it is an ideal type for a tiny outdoor space. The clean line garden landscaping makes a tiny space feel more spacious.

Creating a minimalist garden is not easy and simple as it looks. It requires a few basics landscaping to create a curated clean line garden decoration. But you don’t have to be worry to begin the project because here we will share some tips to make a beautiful simple garden idea!

How to achieve a minimalist backyard garden for a tiny outdoor space?

  • Set boundaries

To create a clean line of landscaping, we need to install boundaries to shape our small garden. There are many ways fit to set up a boundary for our small backyard. For instance, a living fence made up of hedge plants. They are fully decorative and give an aesthetic to our small garden. Another option to make boundaries in the minimalist garden by installing concrete brick, stone, and neutral wall color tones. As we already discussed in the previous article that neutral color schemes are what made the minimalist concept feel spacious and soothing.

  • Less decoration

The minimalist garden derived from the word of minimal that’s means the design start by putting minimal decorations as a result of clean line decoration. In this type of garden, we don’t need to add a bunch of various plants and colors. We only need a few plants in the same saturation to create a harmonious simple garden look.

  • Mowing tip for a healthy lawn

Just like an English garden landscaping, the minimalist garden also tends to have a healthy and neat lawn. But for the landscaping style English garden and minimalist type is quite different. Where English garden allows many types of plants to create a more natural lush garden whereas the minimalist garden focus on structured and clean line landscaping.

So, how to maintain a healthy lawn for a minimalist garden?

  • First, a healthy lawn needs fertilization, spread the fertilizer on the grass once a week is enough.
  • Aerated the lawn two to three times a week to keep them healthy in green.
  • Maintain the height of grass, mowing them when they exceed three cm tall. Keep them neat in three cm tall.

After we know a quick guide to create a healthy lawn in the garden, let’s see some of them down below, it might be the portray of a minimalist backyard garden you want to!

Kid’s play zone in a backyard garden

cozy minimalist garden

There is a big possibility and easier way to maintain a beautiful minimalist backyard garden in a small space. Plant the grass seed, for the alternative, we can use the existing lawn to create a minimalist garden project. Then install some concrete stepping or stones on the lawn. They not only comfy our step in the garden but also create a big statement to the minimalist clean garden landscaping. This beautiful garden using two types of boundaries, there are brick walls and wood panel fences. Installing a few swings to create a convenient garden for our kids to play. This small outdoor space could be a playful spot zone for our little one!

Green plants saturation create a harmonious minimalist garden

decorative ball garden sphere

Creating a harmonious garden by installing lush green plants. A huge amount of lush green plants made this garden look so stand out! The green healthy grass spread like a carpet in the center of this garden. Then we spotted numerous types of plants all in the green shade is so pleasing! Concrete crafts in neutral colors such as beige, gray always display in the minimalist garden to contrast the nature color. A few bench and cushion has been displayed to provide a seating area in this gorgeous backyard garden. Concrete garden spheres are displayed to decorate and enhance the beauty in this garden!

Exotic simple backyard garden style

exotic minimalist garden idea

Let’s get a distinctive and appealing backyard garden. By installing black wood panels around the garden seriously evoked an exotic garden look. The full-height wood panel fence gives you a private garden feel! Numerous green plants are added to create a relaxing ambiance.

Creating a minimalist garden doesn’t always need a perfect beautiful lawn. As we can see in the picture above, there is no lawn display in the garden it changes with wooden terraces. No grass means less maintenance. Enjoy the fresh summer days outside of your home by sitting on a chair surrounded by lush green plants. Would you love to have this exotic garden?

Creating the ultimate privacy fence for your backyard!

The ultimate privacy fence in minimalist garden

If you love to keep in touch with nature in a private place, so there are only you with a few people you already know join the relaxing ambiance. Then building a privacy fence for your backyard is what you need to have!

Starting off to install full-height wooden fencing with your preferred color, but black or dark color schemes are most suited to give more privacy ambiance. Hiding our lovely garden are just not enough by installing black wood fencing. Installing timber paneling in different height elevates the aesthetic of this garden and also give double protection in your garden.

Snake plants, cacti, and cordyline australis are settled to bold the exotic garden view. The soil is mixed with black sand to feature exotic plants better. And there is a concrete terrace in the middle, put a dining table and some chairs on it. So, it can be used as a private romantic dining spot or feast with friends!

Low maintenance garden

low maintenance backyard garden idea

A minimalist design holds the statement that “less is more” for the landscaping, grow fewer plants to achieve less maintenance. Use the combination of concrete and hardwood materials to create a statement of clean line minimalist garden. Hardwood material is less maintenance than softwood materials. Using this wood for a bench is so durable that will save your account a lot!

Cozy outdoor spot

low maintenance minimalist garden

Another creative way to decorate our small backyard space with minimalist style. To keep things neat and clean, concrete pots can be used to put some plants in this garden. Wood and rock materials complement each other to create the aesthetic of a minimalist garden. As we can see there only a few plants in this garden that means low maintenance. Adjust the lighting to create a warm ambiance in the private garden. Fewer plants and simple decoration make this small garden look spacious!

Beautiful small lawn idea

beautiful small lawn

A huge chance to create a neat beautiful lawn in the tiny outdoor space. It will not drain all of our energy to maintain a healthy lawn. Adding a few plants and flowers to beautify the landscaping. The concrete white wall contrast with the green lawn and plants. Do you love this minimalist backyard garden to decorate your tiny outdoor space?

A little oasis in the backyard!

little oasis in the small garden

What do people think inside this high wood fencing? Well, no one wonders what things inside this box until they come through to see! Creating an unexpected small backyard garden could be our inspo. First of all, we need to install full heigh wood fencing to create a private place. Then, we can layer some area with artificial grass on the terraces, then grow a few trees on the side of the wood fence. Surrounded by green plants will make us feel in the middle of the lush oasis!

When you live in a crowded city, we suggest you have this small backyard garden that surrounds by naturals scenery. Don’t forget to install natural fencing made from wood, bamboo, or shade plants. It will help you to relieve the stress of living in the city!

Those are a few display minimalist backyard gardens provided by low maintenance landscaping you will love! And we already alluded to earlier a few considerations before creating a minimalist garden above. They are:

  • Set boundaries
  • Less decoration
  • Keep the lawn neat and healthy

Those are three important points we should own to create a curated minimalist backyard garden for a tiny outdoor space. We hope this article can help you all out to create your dream minimalist landscaping garden in a small outdoor space!

Experience 5 years as a home designer. I would like to share an outstanding contents for our readers . Hopefully, you would like what I write.


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