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Interior Fit Out Tips To Improve Upon The Home And Office Air Quality

While addressing all the functional and aesthetic needs of our property during an interior fit out plan. What we often forget to address is the element of air quality. Which has a huge impact on maintaining a healthy home and office inner environment. But we don’t seem to bother. Unless we start experiencing a sick building syndrome. That affects our work life and family members in the most unhealthy way.

Hence an office fit out company in Dubai is stating below some measures to involve in your property’s interior fit out plan for refining the air quality. Besides, a similar course of action can be used for a home interior plan as well.

What Worsen The Air Quality In Your Home And Offices?

According to a renown home renovation company in Dubai, “apart from the harsh climate and humidity in certain cities mainly like Dubai, our lifestyle, building material choices and irregular upkeeping of the sources that could support a fresh environment also worsen the indoor air quality”. So, let’s learn below the different interior fit out tips to have a pleasant, healthy office and home indoor environment.

Interior Fit Out Tips For Improving On The Air Quality

1. Reduce VOCs From The Air

The very first tip to improve upon the air quality is to reduce the percentage of VOCs present in the air. Now you must be wondering what VOCs are and how would you control them? So, in simpler words, VOCs are those toxic gases. That are produced by using non-eco-friendly materials and furnishings in the interior fit out that highly pollute the air.

We don’t really realize it. But most of the paints and decorative furnishings that we use for creating a sparkling place, taint the indoor air. Hence an easy solution to fix this problem lies in limiting the use of such materials and switching to healthier ones. Such as using wood in interior design, unharmful paints, and concrete or tiles for flooring.

2. Check The AC Filter or Duct During Interior Fit Out

Another useful tip to refine the indoor air quality within your office and home is to get the filters replaced or get the ducts cleaned up. During the harsh months of summer, all of us are mainly depending on our ACs while keeping the house or office’s windows and doors shut all time.

Hence, meanwhile the cooling process. The ducts and the filter catches most of the dirt and debris that due to no cleanliness, not just hinders the airflow. But it also blows dusty and stagnant air inside your home or office building. That causes breathing issues and other health problems too.

3. Fix The Water Leakage

The third damaging factor that leads to polluted indoor air is continuous water leakage. Which gives room to mildew due to being a damp surface. You can widely find these issues mainly within the floor and wall. Even under the sink, and also between the bathroom tiles due to leaking pipes and other leaking sources such as seepage or dripping faucets too.

Therefore, an office or home interior fit out is the best time to pinpoint wherever the leaking lies to fix it at the earliest. Otherwise, the mildew can release harmful spores into the air. That causes excessive moisture and other severe issues like allergies and headaches. Additionally, having mildew within the office can have a really bad impact on companies’ reputation. And the same goes for the houses as well.

4. Improve Ventilation Using Interior Fit Out

The last tip to improve upon the indoor air quality is by increasing the natural flow of air all round the property. One easy way to boost up ventilation is by opening all the windows or installing exhaust fans. That leads to bringing in some fresh air and reduces dampness from the corner and cuts back on bacterias.

But a good many times, the building does not contain many windows for proper ventilation. Even when they are not shut. Hence during the interior fit out, a contractor comes in handy to tell where you could fit an extra window in the design to increase ventilation.


While getting a minor renovation or even during a full interior fit out. Considering all the above tips will improve a lot on the poor air quality. That will save your family or your staff from breathing in unhealthy air. These techniques will help you increase the natural flow of air and tackle other interior problems as well that are polluting the indoor air.

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